The Quilted Diamonds Stitch uses Knit & Purl stitches to create an embossed diamond pattern on a stockinette stitch background.
This stitch is reversible and has a tendency to pull inwards slightly, much like a rib stitch, so if you are looking for something fitted and don’t want to use ribbing, this stitch could make an interesting alternative.
There are no complex techniques involved in this pattern, just straightforward knit and purl stitches. But, make sure to keep track of where you are in the pattern!
Looking to get started, well lets move on to the instructions…
Cast on any multiple of four stitches for your project.
The first row consists of a repeating pattern of a four stitch repeat of purling three stitches, followed by knitting one, yarnover and then knitting one again in the same stitch. Keep repeating this across the row.
The double increase in the first row, will have resulted in an extra two stitches per repeat, thus for the second and third rows, keep repeating purling three then knitting three across both rows.
The fourth row consists a repeating pattern of purling three together, then knitting three. Keep repeating this across the row
For the fifth row (and the eleventh row), purl all the stitches in the row. Follow this by knitting all the stitches in the sixth (and the twelfth row).
In the seventh row, again we will introduce a double increase to a four stitch repeat (generating six stitches). Begin by purling the first stitch, then in the next stitch, knit one, yarnover and then knit one again. Finish the repeat by purling two. Keep repeating this across the row.
The eighth row begins by knitting two before entering a six stitch repeat pattern of purling three, then knitting three. Keep repeating this until you reach the last four stitches, then purl three and knit one.
Start the ninth row by purling one then again enter a six stitch repeat of knitting three and purling three, which you keep repeating until you reach the last five stitches. Once you get to the last five stitches, knit three and then purl two.
The tenth row kicks off with two knit stitches, and again enters a repeating pattern; this time purl three together then knit three. Keep repeating this until you reach the last four stitches, then purl three together and knit the last one.
Continue repeating rows 1-12 until you have the desired size.
Traditional Instructions
Row 1: *k9, p1; repeat from * till the end of the row.
Rows 2 & 8: k2, *p7, k3; repeat from * till last 8 stitches, p7, k1.
Rows 3 & 7: p2, *k5, p5; repeat from * till last 8 stitches, k5, p3.
Rows 4 & 6: k4, *p3, k7; repeat from * till last 6 stitches, p3, k3.
Rows 5: p4, *k1, p9; repeat from * till last 6 stitches, k1, p5.
Repeat rows 1-8 to desired length.